Positive Careers
Thomas Edison once said “The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.” Want to word hard with us?
Changing a person’s life is one of the most rewarding and worthwhile achievements a person can accomplish. Think about the people who have changed your life: parents, teachers, and colleagues. It’s hard to imagine how a job can change your life, and there aren’t many people, careers or places like that out there. Positive is one of those places and the people with whom we work are those kind of people. We also happen to be very successful market professionals. Want to change people’s lives? If your answer is “Yes!” we want you.
Thomas Edison once said “The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work.” Want to word hard with us?
In an industry where burn out is common, we believe that in order to be long term successful, people need to innovate together. Click here to learn about why careers at Positive are built to last.
It’s no secret that in order to be a successful trader, you need to have a high level of personal and professional discipline. Click here to see what discipline means to our traders.